November 20, 2014
Our dear sweet Angelina may be one of the luckiest dogs Forte has ever rescued. We acquired her from a good guy in a bad neighborhood, who had rescued her from “some guy giving away puppies on a street corner.” She was 3 months old and adorable. We didn’t know it at the time (and neither did the guy), but she also had Parvo, which can be deadly if not treated properly and immediately. After 3 days in ICU, and another 3 weeks of R&R, she found a wonderful home with a great family who will love and take care of her and we couldn’t be happier. Her new human sister even insisted on staying home from school just to bond with her, and as you can see, its working. They even gave her a new name, Chloe. So have a great life Chloe, we’ll miss you but will look forward to seeing photos as you grow up into a special and very lucky dog.