April 7, 2014
Koda is home for good! She already knows her new name Sammie. Her new family had Sammie #1 and Sammie #2 and when we saw #2’s photo, they’d have to “pry her out of his cold, dead hands”!
They love, love, love her, and she will live a life like Cinderella! When we spoke to Bob his wife Mary was preparing Koda’s homemade dinner at that moment. She sleeps with them, but the guest room is “her room” — well, it really doesn’t matter because he said that they live in Sammie’s house! When Koda’s new dad stepped out for a while, he came home to 15 toys all laid on the guest room bed. She took each of them out of the toy box and carried them there. That made him really happy because it meant to him that she knows she’s home.