November 20, 2014
Lester came in the East Valley Shelter in August 2013 as a stray. A senior dog with bad teeth, but with the temperament of a puppy! The volunteers made a plea to the rescue community to save the life of this happy boy and two ladies stepped up. They had a foster home, but that didn’t work out. They found a place for him to stay in Lancaster. Over 100 degrees in the summer, cold at night and in winter and always surrounded by dogs. He stayed there for a year! Then the ladies asked Forte for help. We moved him to a cagefree kennel in the area and every Saturday he came to adoptions. Despite what he has been through the past year, Lester is still one of the most happy dogs we know, always smiling, always affectionate. And now this lucky boy found his forever home with this lovely couple. We wish all the best Lester!